Crossroads Unofficial Glossary

At Crossroads you may hear us use words or refer to something that you aren’t yet familiar with. This index is designed to help define the words and phrases that we use at Crossroads Church.

Sunday Worship: Our largest weekly gathering. Our Sunday Worship is a place for all people to gather for music, prayer, Scripture, communion, and friendship.

Gospel Family/Families: Medium-sized groups (15 - 40 people) who gather two to four times per month to build relationships and to grow together in Christian faith. Gospel Families eat together, play together, celebrate together, struggle together, and serve together. They are “Gospel” because the common thread that binds and drives this group is the Good News found in Jesus. We call them “Families” because over time these relationships take on the depth and care that one would hope to find in a biological family.

Intersection Groups: Small to medium-sized groups (5-30 people) who gather around a common interest or passion. Do you love fitness, painting, Bible studies, yoga, or baking? These are all opportunities for God to intersect your life and the lives of those around you. Intersection Groups allow you enjoy the God-given gifts of life and make new connections to people that God loves.

Discipleship Journey: To be a disciple means to be a “student of Jesus.” We don’t just want to believe in Jesus, we know that God is calling us to live and love more like Jesus. There is no special formula or ceremony to become a disciple, you simply start listening to the Lord and living faithfully. Our Discipleship Journey is a series of small-group classes that you can take to help you learn the Bible, learn about God, and learn ways to listen for God in your own life. The classes are, “Intro to Christianity” “The Book” “The Basics” “Younique living” and “Leadership.” What’s you next step?

Everyday Missionary/Missionaries: You don’t have to be sent across the ocean to share the good news of Jesus or to live out your Christian faith. You are called (and sent) to be an ambassador for Christ in the places that you live, work, and play. You don’t have to stand on the street corner with a bullhorn, and you don’t have to harass your co-workers. Being an Everyday Missionary means that you are paying attention to the people and places around you, and working with God to pray for, bless, and share the Good News of Jesus with the people in your lives in creative and inviting ways.

Gospel Neighborhood: If you were to list the places where you regularly go throughout the week - work, gym, library, school, grocery store, bar, etc. - that is your Gospel Neighborhood. It is the place where you live your life and can live as an Everyday Missionary. If we all tend to the garden that is our own Gospel Neighborhood, we will make Fayetteville better.

Making Church more like Family: This is the vision that we have for the church. Crossroads should be the place where you find meaningful relationships. We have found that when people participate in Sunday Worship, and in Gospel Families, they find friends to have fun with, to pray with, to celebrate with, mourn with. At Crossroads, we have many ways to connect, and those connections become friendships, and those friends become family.

Everyone Belongs at a Church like this: We know that life is messy and our faith with God is a journey. We may be at different points on our journey, but we can still journey together. You don’t have to get your life straight first and you don’t have to be a “mature Christian” to fit in here. No matter what your next step with the God is, we are confident that you will find it here. So come explore, learn, and grow.